Thinking about increased productivity and low production cost, Brisa Consulting is researching and developing the AGRISIGN®. The goal is to offer in the future an important Precision Agriculture tool to clients in the agriculture segment that links soil analysis information, production maps and information on land use, generating precise reports targeted at forwarding the production. Also integrated to the corporate ERP, it will allow crossing accounting information, generating precise data related to the costs of each operation.




Lands and Crops Registration
The Lands and Crops Registrations is the system module that stores and controls every information related to farm areas. It also works as manager for registration data, such as: license numbers, ITR, INCRA, agriculture area, species planted, owner, leased areas, and others. Additionally, it combines several pieces of information registered and generates reports as indicated by the user, allowing detailed information analysis that can help managers make decisions.


Operational Control
Operational controls manage the planning of activities and uses of inputs that occurred inside and outside the gates. The control is executed through Service Orders (SO) that directly identify the person responsible for the activity (employee or third party), the price paid for the service, the execution site and amount executed, and can include services related from soil preparation for planting to drying and storage of seeds harvested, thus encompassing all activities executed in the farm.

Operational Budget
Allows preparing annual budgets based on information in the registration base organized by bookkeeping accounts, cost centers and activity groups. The tool works with planning the activities indicated by managers from different company departments. At the end of the process, the information can be analyzed through cost maps, cash flow, profits and losses, balanced scorecard and others.


Agriculture Costs
Once the structure and indication of all processes are received, the tool crosses this information with data from accounting and, with this, is capable of mapping costs in details according to the origin of production processes, costing activities and assigning resources consumed in plot level. Additionally, this AGRISIGN® module allows generating a map with profitability and yield costing, inventory movements and machinery and labor force costing. The module works integrated with the corporate ERP, serving as an auxiliary (quantitative and financial) ledger to bookkeeping cost.


Map Feature
Allows plot and soil use composition maps, in *.shp format, to be linked to the farms registered in the system and viewed in a simple, quick manner. The tool offers the option for automatic registration update in cases when map data (shapes) linked to the farm are more recent than the registered areas.


Precision Agriculture
Through analysis of productivity information, use of inputs, soil characteristics and themed maps, the Precision Agriculture module is able to show consistent reports that help the farmer target activities, ensuring higher yield and better use of resources involved in agricultural production.



To meet the mobility needs from our clients, Brisa Consulting offers development of projects in mobile technologies (Pocket PC, Smartphones, Tablets) for the most different activities in the Agriculture segment, enabling to store, process and integrate data collected on field.